Seque. A light sequencer.

composing and writing music

In recent months, during the evenings I have dedicated myself to writing, in java code, first of a midi connector, then later, also of a software sequencer.

Now Seque is both together; which can also be performed separately.

The writing of Seque started a bit for fun. Having at home some synthesizers with Midi port (5 pin din), but having nothing to connect them to usb midi devices, and, above all, also having a tireless curiosity to seriously explore the subject both musically and technically, I decided to “throw away” the evenings writing Seque.

Now we are, with this publication, at version 1.8 of the jar.

Well yes! It comes in a jar. So those who don’t know java code (it’s not a necessary requirement, keep’n mind, to use seque) should at least, if not already have, get a JVM. Nowadays almost all computers have at least one jre. At least visit openjdk to choose your own jvm to use. When in doubt, a jre may be sufficient. From the link you will find the open source jvm. They are freely downloadable, at least the open versions, both for windows, both for linux and for mac. However to be precise: you should only need one jvm in general. The one that matches your computer architecture. Feel free to look elsewhere on the web for your open jre (jvm) as well. What matters is that it is compatible with your architecture..

I have prepared 3 different jars based on the type of jvm you have on your computer. Or what you find:

The project had started a few months ago and, among other things, being also open, it is present as source code on github at this address seque – github. But for those who, rightly so, are only interested in using the software to play midi on their devices or simply connect them to play, I assure you, you can ignore the link to the source code, but use one of the 3 jars listed above.

Don’t expect big 😉 impacts in terms of graphic rendering, indeed, not at all. With seque you use the command line. The intent, and everything that moved the writing of this sequencer is portable goal. Not so much in the scientific sense of usability across multiple hardware architectures as a purely practical meens of traveling capacity of tool. So lightness of execution (even with scarce resources) to the detriment of graphics. Which allows you to have a Sequencer , cheers , which can also be run on ARMs, which are, for those who don’t know them, much more comfortable processors to carry around 🙂 for example in the rehearsal room, together with the midi devices .

You just have to launch seque on the jvm you have. For example with the command:

java -jar seque-1.8.jar masquenada . GUI

Where “masquenada” would be the song you have and want to play (“”) empty if you not still have some midi in your folder. Plus the path where your masquenada midi files are located and the sequi.ini which would be the configuration for the specific song, and GUI like User Interface; NO-SRV instead for only command-line.

In the next article I will try to talk more about the seque.ini configuration file. And more about how you interact with seque at runtime.


